Celebrating our 100th Tweet!

Today I Tweeted for the 100th time. Now I know that some people have tweeted thousands and even hundreds of thousands of times and so 100 seems like a very small number in comparison. But I see it as a milestone. It says, I've arrived, I'm no longer a new Tweeter. (Actually, I have had a personal Tweet account and passed 100 a while back with that account, but I digress...).

The key with Twitter is to keep Tweeting. Keep putting information out there and people will start to listen. But please note that I said "put information out there." Please don't just talk about yourself! You must Tweet about other things; be a source of information. Retweet people you respect. Share their information. Be seen as a source and a resource. It is critical to success in today's social media world. People are hungry for quick useful info. Be that source and you will be successful because eventually, when people need a service that you offer, you will be top of mind. It is interesting that something as simple as "be helpful" has become a strategy for success!

Here's the details on our 100th Tweet Celebration!

 We're celebrating our 100th Tweet! Someone is going to win a $100 gift certificate to Morton's The Steakhouse! Everyone who follows us, Tweets #gmgpr or retweets us is eligible. One winner will be chosen at random. Contest ends March 31, 2010. Winner announced April 1st (and no, it's not an April Fools joke!) So get tweeting! Don't know how? Call us, we'll get you started!

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